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ADIS - Alcohol and Other Drugs Information Service
Whether you are having issues with alcohol or other drugs, are concerned about someone else’s alcohol or other drug use, or just have general questions about alcohol or other drugs, you can call ADIS any time of the day or week for support, information, counselling and referral to services in NSW.
Monique Gordon Sandtray Therapy
Sandtray therapy is a therapeutic modality that utilizes a tray filled with sand and a collection of miniature figures. It is a non-verbal and experiential form of therapy that allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a symbolic and metaphorical way.
Twenty10 aims to improve the lives of young LGBTQIA+ folks across NSW through our range of services. This includes providing housing and case management for young people transitioning into independence, intake and referrals to get you the help you need, affirmative counselling, and both online and in person social support programs.
Transcend Australia
Transcend Australia’s purpose is to support, affirm and celebrate the lives of trans and gender diverse children and their families and carers. We provide information, support and referrals to families across Australia and work to empower trans and gender diverse children and young people.
Family Drug Support
Family Drug Support (FDS) provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week telephone support to families and carers in crisis due to alcohol and other drug use issues. FDS is staffed by volunteers who have experience of family members with alcohol and other drug use. FDS also provide face-to-face support meetings and resources for family members.