Understanding Mental Health
What is Mental Health
Your mental health affects how you think, feel and act.
Good mental health helps you cope with the normal stresses of life, be productive both at work and in your private life, relate well to other people and contribute to your community.
It is about feeling resilient, enjoying life and being able to connect with others.
What is mental ill-health
Mental ill-health is common.​ Almost half of all Australian adults will face mental ill-health during their lives.
There are many types of mental health conditions and disorders.
The most common are:
affective disorders, including depression
substance use disorders, including alcohol use.
It is not a sign of weakness. Not everyone develops a mental health issue during their lives, but anyone could.
It is always ok to ask for help. Like most health problems, mental ill-health is easier to treat if diagnosed early. Even if you’re not sure you are experiencing a specific mental health problem, it is best to talk to your GP.
With the right support, you can manage and improve mental ill-health, and maintain your mental health.

Supporting your Mental Health

People often don’t know where to start to get mental health support.
We want you to feel confident that there is help available for people in and around Deniliquin.
You can view the Services Directory here...
You might want to seek help if you’re:
worrying more than usual
finding it hard to enjoy your life
having thoughts and feelings that are difficult to cope with and have an impact on your day-to-day life
having thoughts of ending your life
interested to find more support or treatment
worried about someone that you live with or care for

Urgent support
Support is always available in an emergency, if you or someone else is experiencing high levels of mental distress or feeling suicidal.
Go to our URGENT HELP page to find out what to do

We always recommend starting with your GP and having a chat with them about what is going on for you.
Even if you are not sure you are experiencing a mental health problem, a good place to start is with your GP. Your local GP or other health professionals can help connect you with the right mental health service.
When you see your doctor, they will assess what help you need. This could include:
making a mental health assessment
creating a mental health treatment plan (MHTP)
referring you to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional
giving you a prescription for medicines to treat depression or anxiety.
Be sure to book a longer consultation when you make the appointment.

Getting a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP)
A MHTP is a plan your doctor writes with you about treating a mental health condition.
Your mental health treatment plan will have goals agreed by you and your doctor.
It will also have treatment options and support services available.
It also helps you to access eligible, private allied health professionals like psychologists, social workers or occupational therapists who can help you to get better and live well.
Medicare can offer a rebate for up to 10 counselling sessions per year with an eligible Psychologist , Occupational Therapist or Social Worker.
Find out more on the headspace website
Why talking helps
Having a chat with someone is an easy way to take a load off.
You don’t have to put up with feeling low, sad or worried when things seem like too much.
Sharing how you’re feeling can help:
Talking to someone can help you feel less alone, and like you’re not the only one going through something.
Sometimes, you’re not looking for the person you speak to to solve your problems, you just want them to listen. You can feel a lot better after just letting it out.
Often, people find talking to someone so helpful that they wish they’d done it a lot sooner.
Experts say that talking can provide stress relief, and can lighten the load of a concern someone might be having.
Talking about a problem can help to start breaking it into smaller parts, which can stop you from feeling so overwhelmed.
Choosing someone from outside of the situation can help you have a different perspective on things.
Our Services Directory has a range of options of people to talk to on the phone, via chat and in person.

Helplines and online chat
Sometimes we don’t think our own problems are ‘serious’ enough to get support. But support is here for everyone, even you.
You can chat anywhere, anytime with helplines that are free and confidential.
Find support in our Services Directory

Local services
Deniliquin has a range of services that are accessible locally, including:
Youth support programs
Drug and alcohol support services
Counselling and peer support
Recovery focused services, to support people with a mental illness on their personal journey to mental well-being.
​Look for 'Local Service Provider' in our Services Directory

Online resources
There are many useful online resources to help support your mental health and wellbeing.
You can access free support such as:
Information resources
Support groups
Online programs
Apps and wellness tools
Find online resources in our Services Directory and at:

Counselling is a talking therapy. Counsellors ask questions and listen to you in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential way.
Counsellors don’t diagnose issues, but they work with you to improve your mental health, help you understand yourself better and help you develop strategies and work towards goals. Counselling can help you gain new insight into situations and can improve your resilience.
A MHTP (Mental Health Treatment Plan) can provide a rebate for a certain number of counselling sessions per calendar year with a Medicare Registered Provider.​
It is important to know that lots of people are known as counsellors, so it is important when deciding on a counsellor, to feel comfortable that they are suitably qualified and experienced to help you with your needs.
Counselling is available face to face or via tele-health. Look for 'Counselling by appointment' in our Services Directory
Wellness and Wellbeing

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health.
Like physical fitness, you can strengthen your psychological health in lots of small day-to-day ways.
Support your wellbeing with Deni's 5 Ways to Wellbeing
Deni LHAC has created a handy list of local organisations you can join for your wellbeing
Click to download...
Deniliquin also has a Community Services Directory
Click to download...
Raising Awareness of Mental Health

Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group regularly develops campaigns to raise awareness of mental health support and services available to our local communities.
You can download materials and resources to share in your workplaces, schools and communities - click here for Campaign Resources