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The Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group raises awareness of mental health and signposts the way to mental health services and resources in Deniliquin and surrounding areas.


1. Increase Awareness and knowledge of Mental Ilness, and mental health and wellbeing for 

  • Consumer and Carers/Family

  • Health Care Providers

  • General Public 


2. Provide Network Meetings and Forums for service providers to stay updated on the capacity and nature of service delivery of all providers of mental health services in Deniliquin

3. Signpost the way to help for conusmers, providers and general public  through the website

4. Decrease Stigma, associated with Mental Illness by facilitating Mental Health education opportunities at various venues, including all media outlets and promoting co-ordinated special community projects e.g. Mental Health month

5. Lobby/advocate for an increase in all mental health Services and funding, especially with regards  to awareness and early intervention services. 



The group meets 6- 8 times per year for service updates and networking .


​ Meetings are via VCR attendance .The first part of our meeting, includes feedback from DENI MHAG executive about projects and initiatives. Services then have an opportunity to provide feedback and updates on their service.


The business end of this group will sit with the executive in separate meetings held. 

Current chair is Alison Thorne. 


Contact us for more information about meetings.

WHAT WE'VE achiEved


Deni MHAG started after Rotary in Deniliquin held a mental health forum for the community.

Since our formation in 2003 we have achieved some great outcomes from projects and partnerships in our community. Some of these include :


  • Introduction of MHFA ( Mental Health First Aid ) into the community in 2005 and still delivering a minimum of 4 courses every year at no or minimal cost to community.    

  • Mini Mental Health Conference in 2006

  •  2007 Development and launch of Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group web site.

  • Presentation of the play “Inside Out” by Christine Duncan Productions at Deni RSL in 2010

  • Introduction Big Blue Day at Deni High in 2012 and now an annual event 

  • Beyond Blue Workplace Training in 2013 (25  businesses attended) 

  • "Hear Me "Consumer Stories in conjunction with Yarkuwa 

  • "Carpe Diem" play with John Wood;  March 2017 attended by 160 people

  • "Let’s Talk" event August 2017 with Nick Newling – 150 people attended

  • Deni Says No bullying initiative with 100 people in attendance in 2018 

  • "Lets Talk about Suicide "event in 2018 

  • Partnered with Brenda Norman and Channel for Change initiative and established as a charity.

  • "Mental Health is not so Scary"  Halloween initiative in partnership with MLHD and  now an annual event supported by our members

  • Tuesday Chats group with parents and carers around supporting their families ( 2019)

  • Various MPHN drought funded events ( 2019) such as Youth Forum with DHS ( 100 youth across the region) ; Healthy Farm, Healthy Farmers,( 120 people attended)   Mentally Healthy Workplaces with Deniliquin Business Chamber ( over 40 participants)  South West Music Fun day in  2019 ( 150 plus people attended)

  • Association with Ute Muster since 2010 and in 2019 formally partnered with the Ute Muster to create a Wellness Space. This is now an annual event. 

  • 2020 Launched new, updated website

  • 2020 partnership with Deni LHAC  and MLHD to produce  5 of the 10 Deni LHAC  Chat pages covering mental health related information – full page publications in PT ; Facebook pages and ERC website

  • 2021 MPHN and MLHD mental health services poster and digital campaign distributed across our community AND 33 Local Health Advisory Committees creating much needed visual resources for communities. This included 12 full pages in the local newspaper. (See here)

  • 2021 Wellbeing COVID -19 poster  ( shared over a 100 times with over 10,000 people engaging with it) (See here)

  • 2020 / 2021 #deni5in5 : 5 Ways to wellbeing Digital Campaign Mental Health Month. (See here)
    This campaign was picked up by Like Mind  and translated into numerous languages
    This was 5 full page newspaper campaign and digital campaign over 30 days during mental health month.   

  • 2022 /2023 received significant funding through Resilience NSW ( Covid-19 Community Connection and Wellbeing Program - pathway 1); partnered with Deniliquin Golf Club to deliver on funding received from NSW Sport Mental Health Funding; and received funding through MPHN Community Grants. The following was achieved :

  •  12 Community events collaborating with over 20 community groups and organisations .This included the Legless and Blind Roadshow, Blokes Night In, Volunteering Event, Suicide Prevention Colour Run,Mini Mental  Health Conference and more ( see here)

  • Significant resource development and digital campaigns ( see here)  

  • 2024  we received small pockets of funding through grant applications :Ogoing upgrades to website; Suicide Prevention Walk , and Farmers Wellbeing Events an Halloween event  being planned 



Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group is an Australian, Non-profit, Incorporated, Non-Government Organisation (NGO) carrying on the enterprise of a health promotion charity for public benefit.


Our constitution is based on “Model rules for incorporated associations” with an additional Non-profit clause and a Dissolution clause.


Our Incorporation No is 9887142 and our ABN is 32 344 835 480. We are endorsed for Charity Tax Concessions (Income Tax exempt, Fringe Benefit Tax exempt and GST concession), and also as Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)


We consist of Consumers of Mental Health Services, their Carers, Health Care Providers and other interested members of the Public.

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