Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health.
There are a range of holistic mental health and wellness support services available locally.
Health and fitness

Regular exercise is a great way to boost your wellbeing.
Deniliquin offers a range of options with very skilled and qualified instructors delivering health and fitness training including yoga, pilates and much more
Evolve Fitness and Wellbeing evolvedeni.com.au
Motiv8 Health and Fitness motiv8healthandfitness.com
FitNow fitnowdeni.com
Remedial Massage and Chiropractic Services

A range of local health professionals offer a variety of remedial massage services
Dr Tracy Ho facebook.com/pages/category/Chiropractor/The-Holistic-Healing-House-Dr-Tracey-Ho-255094765036345/
Heather Hay doctor360.com.au/remedial-massage/deniliquin-nsw-2710/ms-heather-hays-remedial-massage-centre-2710
Thai Massage, Yoga, Reiki and Relaxation

A range of holistic services to explore for wellness
Deni Thai Yoga Massage deniyoga.com.au
Total Bliss total-bliss.com.au
Pure Serenity denibeautyplace.com.au
Massage Deniliquin - Google search results

Local groups and activities that support wellness
Intereach - Community Hub and community groups intereach.com.au/service/community-links
Deniliquin Mens Shed cpsa.org.au/atlas/deniliquin-men%C2%92s-shed/
U3A Deniliquin deniliquin.u3anet.org
Laughter Yoga (Lesley Hills, The Laughter Lady) 0458 007 435
Deniliquin Community Services Directory - download PDF
Deni LHAC has created a handy list of local organisations you can join for your wellbeing. Click to download...