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Families Stronger Together in DENI

Families in Deni can now join an online group in Deniliquin aimed at helping parents, cares and educators access resources around supporting children and young people of all ages with their mental health and wellbeing.

The resources will be varied and cover topics that are common issues that children and young people can present with, or are presented with, when it comes to dealing with the many developmental phases they go through.

The group is an intitiave of the Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group (Deni MHAG) and forms part of the initiatives being rolled out as Part of the COVID-19 Community Connections Wellbeing Program, funded by Resilience NSW.

The group recognises that there are a large number of excellent websites with fantastic resources and information that can be helpful to parents or anyone involved in supporting children and young people; but finding the information can sometimes be overwhelming navigating the sites.

The group is being moderated by local mental health professionals and clinicians. They often receive information about workshops, webinars and online programs which families can benefit from; and they hope the group is a place they can alert parents, carers and educators to these opportunities.

Mental health problems amongst children and youth are common and it can be a very lonely path for the adults to manage all of this, if they do not reach out for help and support. This is essentially what this group is about.

Although the group is private, anyone can join and we want to encourage all parents and cares and educators to join , so as to gain an awareness of the incredible information and support that is available online.

We share information about 2-3 times per week on a variety of topics.

We hope for the group to become an interactive space, where people can share what has been helpful to them, but also ask questions in a safe space. As mental health professionals on the group, we can direct people to the pathways to help or to resources or programs we know are reliable and evidence- based.

There are many helplines for parents as well, where they are able to call and receive advice and support online, and it is all free and often available 24/7. We know that accessing face-to-face services can be challenging for several reasons. We want to ensure people know there are other options as well.

To join the group on Facebook go to

We would love play groups, day carers, pre-schools, schools and sporting clubs to circulate our flyer and information to their parents and carers and staff.


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